AS Prelim task

Wednesday 23 September 2009

digital technology compared to analogue

Filmmakers first used digital technology in the 1980s to create fantastic new kinds of images for the screen. Since then, increasingly sophisticated tools have made it possible to produce, market, and sale motion pictures digitally.

Sunday 20 September 2009

media homework evaluation

In media we was given ten minutes to draw a storyboard that involved one person walking to the door opening the door and closing the door, Also include camera terminology and the was given ten minutes to take pictures and work out our story board heres my evaluation;

1. The first still image rachel and i chose to make the shot a long shot due to being the first image on our story bored. The image shows clear body language which is that i am sitting down.

2. The second image is also a long shot image. Rachel and i decided to use levels to create the effect of the story progess, in the first image i was sitting down and in this image im standing.

3.The third image is a medium shot. Rachel and i decide to add a prop in to make it obvious that i am leaving.

4.Our fourth image we also used a medium shot but instead of taking a picture of the top half of my body we focused on my legs and feet, This shows i am walking and also makes the story more interesting.

5.The fifth image is a long shot. This image shows that i am reaching towards the handle of the door.

6.The sixth image is a close up. This shows my hand turning the handle, which can create tension due to having to wait instead of opening the door and another image of the door behind me, but by making the audience wait and makes the story unpredictable.

7. The seventh image rachel and i decided to use a low angle shot. Also following from the previous image we still included the idea of tension as you can see my body is situated half way between the door.
8. The eighth imageis a over the sholder shot. At this point rachel and i decided it was very impotant to think about the background as well as my body positioning, Which is also unpredictable because in this image i am looking the oppisite way to which direction i am going to walk in.
9.The ninth image is medium shot. This image shows the story coming to an ending.

10. And my tenth image is a high angle shot. where you can see the top of my head and one foot infront of the other.

In my opinion rachel and i worked well together and stayed focused and got the work done fast.

psycho summer homework

Friday 18 September 2009

media homework