AS Prelim task

Saturday 31 October 2009

donkeyskin (french)

the moral of this tale is that it is better to undergo the greatest hardships rather than to fail in one's duty, that virtue may sometimes seem ill-fated but will always triumph in the end.

A king had a beautiful wife and a rich castle, including a marvelous donkey whose droppings were gold. One day his wife died, after making him promise not to marry except to a woman whose beauty and attributes equaled hers. The king grieved, but was, in time, persuaded to seek another wife. It became clear that the only woman who would fit the promise was his own daughter.

She went to her fairy godmother who advised her to make impossible demands as a condition of her consent: a dress the color of the sky, a dress the color of the moon, a dress as bright as the sun, and finally, the hide of his marvelous donkey. Such was the king's desire to marry her that he granted all of them. The fairy godmother gave her a marvelous chest to contain all she owned and told her that the donkeyskin would make an excellent disguise.

She fled. Eventually, she found a royal farm where they let her work in the kitchen, despite her ugliness in the donkeyskin. On feast days, she would
dress herself in the fine gowns her father had given her, and one such day, the prince came by her room and peeped through the keyhole. He fell in love at once, fell ill with his longing, and declared that nothing would cure him but a cake baked by Donkeyskin, and nothing they could say of what a dirty creature she was dissuaded him.

When Donkeyskin baked the cake, a ring of hers fell in it. The prince found it and declared that he would marry only the woman whose finger it fit. Every other woman having failed, he insisted that Donkeyskin try, and it fit. When she had dressed herself in her fine gowns, his parents were reconciled with the match. Donkey-skin later found that her father had remarried to a beautiful widow and everyone lived happily ever after.

The goat girl (Greek)

A couple had no children; the wife prayed for any child, no matter what. One day, she gave birth to a baby goat. She grew up as playful as any child. Her mother wished that her father could have a jug of water, and the goat said she could carry it, if her mother tied it to her horns. She carried it to her father, and when she was coming back, she took off her skin in the woods to clean it. A prince saw her and fell in love. Though his parents and her parents were opposed, he grew sick with his love, and the queen insisted on the match, so her parents gave the goat to the queen, and the prince grew well again.

The prince and his parents went to a wedding. The goat girl changed into a golden gown and went to the wedding herself; after the dancing, she threw a golden apple among the guests to confuse them and fled, and the king and queen admired her beauty. On the second day, the same thing happened. On the third day, the prince ordered an oven heated in the bakery and told his parents he would not go. When the goat girl went, he seized her skin and burned it. When she returned, she tried to throw herself into the oven after the skin, but the prince restrained her, and they had a grand wedding.

Clever Maria (portuguesse)

There exists a substantial corpus of traditional folk tales in Portuguese. Little is really known about Portuguese fairy tales outside Portugal—some might even argue within the country as well—because of the language barrier and as a result of ‘a continuing failure to archive, catalogue and publicize the available material’ (Cardigos, 1996). Where tales have been collected, published, and analysed, this has been very much the labour of love of a handful of intellectual pioneers writing at the end of the 19th century or in the early years of the 20th.

Abstract: Maria was the youngest and prettiest of the merchant’s daughters. When the merchant leaves on business, she is the only one to obey his wishes and begins a bizarre courtship with the king through their antics in an attempt to out-perform the other.
Theme: Obedience

A merchant had three daughters, and the youngest, Maria, was the most beautiful. The king gave each daughter a pot of basil and forbade them to receive visitors. One day, the king came with two friends. Maria said she and her sisters would get wine from the cellar. The king said they were not thirsty. The sisters said they would not go. Maria said she would go just the same. Then she ran to a neighbour's and stayed there the night. The king was angry, but her basil did not wither, as her sisters' did.

The daughters looked over at the king's garden, and the oldest daughter asked Maria to climb down a rope and steal some fruit for her. A gardener caught her, but she escaped. The next day, the second daughter asked her to steal a fruit basket for her, but this time the king caught her. He questioned her, she denied nothing, and he told her to follow him to the house. Though he turned to make sure she followed him, she managed to escape. He fell ill.

Meanwhile, her two sisters had married the king's friends and had babies. Maria took the babies to show the king.Maria went about, calling for someone to give the babies to the king, who was sick of love. The king bought it and was infuriated that he held the babies. He knew the merchant had returned and ordered him to bring him a coat of stone or lose his head. Maria told him to take the fabric to the castle and demanded to measure the king. The king changed his order: he had to bring not the coat but his daughter Maria. Maria told her father to make her a doll of herself, with strings so she could make it nod and shake its head. Maria went to the castle and hid behind the doll. When the king recounted her misdeeds, she made the doll nod. Because she was mocking him, he cut off the doll's head. Its head fell toward him, and he said that the man who killed her deserved to die and turned the sword on himself. Maria jumped out to stop him. They married and lived happily.

Bella Venezia (italian) by Italo Calvino

Tales of this kind are grouped together as type 709, Snow White. Others of this kind include Bella Venezia,Myrsina, Nourie Hadig, The Young Slave and Gold-Tree and Silver-Tree. “The Jealous Sisters” is another Albanian fairytale. In both fairytales the death is caused by a ring.

Bella Venezia

An innkeeper named Bella Venezia asked her customers whether they had ever seen a more beautiful woman than herself. When they said they had not, she cut the price for their stay in half, but one day, a traveller said that he had seen such a woman: her own daughter. Bella Venezia doubled the price of his stay instead of halving it, and had her daughter shut up in a tower with a single window. Then one day Bella asked again whether her customers had seen a woman more beautiful than herself, and a traveller said that he had seen a more beautiful woman, looking from a tower. Bella Venezia asked the kitchen boy if he would marry her, and promised to do so if he killed her daughter. The kitchen boy led her daughter into the forest and killed a lamb in her place.

The daughter wandered until she saw twelve robbers order a cave open and shut: "Open up, desert!" and "Close up, desert!" She sneaked inside and cleaned up the place, and then stole some of their food before hiding. The robbers set watch, but each robber waited outside, for the person to sneak in, and so did not catch her, until the chief robber waited inside and saw her. He told her not to be afraid: she could stay and be their little sister. But one day a robber went to Bella Venezia's inn, and told her that a girl they had with them was more beautiful than Bella.

A witch begged every day from the inn, and Bella Venezia promised her half her fortune if she could put an end to the daughter. The witch went into the forest as a pedlar, persuaded the girl to let her in, and while showing her a hair pin, thrust it into the girl's head. The robbers found her body, wept, and buried her in a hollow tree.

One day, a prince went hunting, and his dogs sniffed out the tree where the girl was buried. He took her body back to the castle and could not bear to be away from her. His mother was angry and said that he could at least fix her hair. This revealed the pin. When it was pulled out, the girl awoke, and the prince married her.

In the many non-German versions, the dwarfs are generally robbers, while the magic mirror is a dialog with the sun or moon.[citation needed] In a version from Albania, collected by Johann George von Hahn and published in Griechische and albanesische Märchen. Gesammelt, übersetzt and erläutert (1864), the main character lives with 40 dragons.[citation needed] Her sleep is caused by a ring. The beginning of the story has a twist, in that a teacher urges the heroine to kill her evil stepmother so that she would take her place. The origin of this tale is debated; it is likely no older than the Middle Ages. In fact there are possibly two Albanian versions of Snow White: one where her stepmother tries to kill her, and another where her two jealous sisters try to kill her.

Tuesday 20 October 2009

Mean girls intro

There are a number of surprising elements in Mean Girls. We have all the usual teen movie clichés, like the big party while the parents are out, the competition, the prom; but Waters handles these scenes with a freshness that's lacking in something like Love Don't Cost a Thing, an atrocious film that was dishonest with its depiction of teen romance. Intelligence is also a strong point. Cady is a smart student, and the big game at the end is not a contest with cheerleaders, sports or dances, but with mathletes. Cady is enrolled in calculus, and she fakes a failing grade to get a guy to like her. This is a movie that respects intelligence and sees smart people as a fun-loving group. That's refreshing.

Overall, Waters makes a pointed examination of high school cliques and their potential for trouble. Finding acceptance in high school can be a tricky thing, and social pigeonholing can lead to wrongheaded decisions on who to hang out with. Cliques aren't a bad thing in general. Students with a common interest should be able to hang out with each other, but when one clique's own sense of superiority is so great that it causes hate discontent among other cliques, then resentment and hatred take over. Mean Girls isn't your typical high school comedy. The comedy is on the surface, but the real heart of the film lies underneath.

The strangers

As a big hollywood movie the strangers include production values the use of cross cutting and voice overs makes it obvious that this movie is a horor movie. Also at the beging the film states that the movie is based on a true story which creates tension and as for the flickering on the screen makes you wonder what is going on. as for the first scene you hear a phone coversation which also leaves you thinking and questioning what is happening.

Wednesday 14 October 2009

30 minute shoot task.

in todays lesson we was set a task which consisted of filming 10 frames which shows someone being watched, Also was given instructions to get into groups of three who you have never worked with before therefore i chose to work with matthew and thelma.

we started by discussing who's doing what i chose to draw up the story board whilst matthew set up the camera and thelma filled in the shooting schedule and also helped me with extra ideas story board. we decided to keep the story simple of a girl watching her friend smoking and who wasn't very impressed.our next step was filming.

what worked?
due to our previous task prelim im glad to say we've learn't from some of our mistakes such as making sure our story board is straight forward and used various shots which would be easy to shoot in such limited time but was still effective, also there seemed to be a more relaxed attitude toward the work and each individual seem alot more confident.

my personal objective of the task was to see my strengths and weaknesses, one strength was being able to be the organiser, actor and film certain scenes and also as an individual felt more comfortable in my working enviroment due to working in a class room and the followed by working out side as before we worked on a staircase which was akward and i feel the scenes filmed on the stair we rushed due to angle issues.
what didn't work so well?
The choice of setting didn't work so well because of various other groups clashed with our location which used up time for future prefences in my ipinion should be more creative with our setting ideas as we can use any area within the school.
Also when it came to editing i noticed that due to the clashing with the other groups a couple of our scenes within the sound was interrupted this can be fixed by sound ediing and also ties in with the idea of above choosing and different filming area.

Sunday 11 October 2009

Film Finance

film finance:
Age of Stupid was almost entirely financed by a crowd-sourced model via individuals and small groups of people including a hockey team and a women’s health center to the tune of £860,000. Additionally, and perhaps because of this, the film’s producers were able to create an astonishingly successful word of mouth campaign surrounding the US premiere – a live event shown in (many sold out) cinemas around the world featuring celebrities and a audience Q&A. Topped off with a clever website, alliances with various activist groups, and a strong presence on social networking sites, the film created a hyped up following way out of proportion to its relatively low budget.

About Spanner Films

London-based Spanner Films have produced three cinema-released documentaries - The Age of Stupid (2008), McLibel (2005) and Drowned Out (2003) - which have together been seen by 55 million people worldwide. They also pioneered the "crowd-funding" finance model, which allows filmmakers to raise reasonable-size budgets whilst retaining ownership of their films and the "Indie Screenings" distribution system, which allows anyone to screen independent films.

Tuesday 6 October 2009

How to make an independent film

Prelim evaluation

Prelim evaluation
In the prelim task, Rebecca and I got given a task of shooting a two minute sequence film and in this we were assigned two cast; Yasmin and Edward and also to use film terminology and independent filming for example continuity, shot reverse shot and the 180 degree rule. We started off by story boarding our simple idea of a boyfriend who upsets the girlfriend and eventually break up. Rebecca and decided to organise a time for us to meet up over the weekend to finish our storyboard whilst exchanging each others mobile phone numbers this helped due to when Saturday came we face no problems with meeting because we had great communication skills.

On Monday we were given a shooting schedule which would help us to include continuity which was equally very important to the filming so that when it came to editing the film would flow, also we had a continuity sheet which enabled us to keep our good and bad shots organised. After contemplating about whether the shooting schedule would be helpful we decide to keep each shot in order as we automatically organised our storyboard without noticing. Rebecca and I decided to situate our location recce within the corridor and the stairs, as we explained our story to Yasmin and Edward we also gave them a script which was straight forward, we could have improved this by adding directions and frame positioning this would have saved a lot of time between Rebecca and I and our cast and also given them more time for rehearsal so this would have saved even more time due to where we had to corporate time between two groups as Yasmin and Edward filmed before us which ran into our time which we wasn’t prepared for and felt rushed.As a group overall we worked well together because each individual was dedicated, one of our weaknesses was that we needed more rehersal time, this would have saved alot of time and instead of concertrating on the script and shots we could have made the shooting schedule alot more detailed.

For the shooting of the prelim task we used a XH A1 camera to shoot our prelim task which we were taught how to use in previous lessons this included adjusting the tripod to the right height, then secure the camera onto the tripod and also adjust the spirit level this made the camera accurate and straight.then inserted the battery and tape then eventually switched the camera on.the prelim task has developed my production skills in many ways an example of this would be we had to be aware of our cast positioning and still include continuity additionally we kept the same props i also relised as an individual that oraganisational skills were just as important and technical skills which i hope to use a equal balance of each in my next film task, the prelim task also included independent filming being able to express our creativity within our work which was practical, for example we used a pan in one shot when yasmin walks through the door and edward follows behind, this was hard due to using a stair case and keeping both charathers within the frame, we over came this problem by using levels and using zoom to capture the close up shots this also helped capture the characters facial expressions which was very important when using shot reverse shot.

i think our short film appeals to people who watch soap operas and as for age would appeal to any viewer that is aware or interested of conflict within relationships. An example of this would be when edward sits down on the stairs with his hands on his head this creates tension for the audience and gives the feeling of failure which draws our scene to a close, this could be compared to eastenders such as it will never end and towards the end something always interesting happens which is called a cliff hanger.the short film would come under the romantic genre as it involves a couple.

In class we were shown how to use the new editing programme, Firstly we started off by plugging our camera into the computer using a usb cable the inserting the tape we used to film our prelim task. Then we plugged in the lacie drive which is basically a large memory card, the next step was to load the editing programme and go to file then scrool down to capture, this is where we was able to record each scene so that we would no longer need to plug in the camera which makes it easier for future editing also made editing easier due to being able to add headings to each scene which organised our work. After recording the next step was to playback all the scenes and see which ones included continuity and also included the shots we initially involed.

The problems we faced with editing?
rebecca and i found the editing programme straight forward and easy to use althrough we struggled to invole continuity but still include naturalism we overcame this by shortening our scenes this mage the shots not look so practiced and obvious that the cast were being directed. Another problem we faced was that everytime we had edited a scene and drag onto the time line one scene would over write another, We also overcame this by spacing each scene out and pressing the shift button on our keyboard. Due to this being rebecca and my first time editing i think we did a good job and manage to complete our independent film with success with a few minor delays.

as for engaging our audience our intial thoughts was to think what would we like to watch which is short and simple but still interesting so we refered to an everyday life dilemma which would hopefully relate to alot of our viewers.