AS Prelim task

Wednesday 14 October 2009

30 minute shoot task.

in todays lesson we was set a task which consisted of filming 10 frames which shows someone being watched, Also was given instructions to get into groups of three who you have never worked with before therefore i chose to work with matthew and thelma.

we started by discussing who's doing what i chose to draw up the story board whilst matthew set up the camera and thelma filled in the shooting schedule and also helped me with extra ideas story board. we decided to keep the story simple of a girl watching her friend smoking and who wasn't very impressed.our next step was filming.

what worked?
due to our previous task prelim im glad to say we've learn't from some of our mistakes such as making sure our story board is straight forward and used various shots which would be easy to shoot in such limited time but was still effective, also there seemed to be a more relaxed attitude toward the work and each individual seem alot more confident.

my personal objective of the task was to see my strengths and weaknesses, one strength was being able to be the organiser, actor and film certain scenes and also as an individual felt more comfortable in my working enviroment due to working in a class room and the followed by working out side as before we worked on a staircase which was akward and i feel the scenes filmed on the stair we rushed due to angle issues.
what didn't work so well?
The choice of setting didn't work so well because of various other groups clashed with our location which used up time for future prefences in my ipinion should be more creative with our setting ideas as we can use any area within the school.
Also when it came to editing i noticed that due to the clashing with the other groups a couple of our scenes within the sound was interrupted this can be fixed by sound ediing and also ties in with the idea of above choosing and different filming area.


  1. Halle you have quite clearly rushed this piece of homework, which is evident through your failure to finish.

    You haven't coverd all the points set as homework giving specific examples from your task. You will need to complete this homework task again showing more effort covering the following areas;
    1. Personal objective of the task
    2. What you feel went well within the task and why?
    3. Any problems that you faced, individually and/or a group. How did you solve it?
    4. What you would have done differently?
    5. Key skills used and learnt
    6. Summary of the task

    DEADLINE: Friday 16th Oct 3pm

  2. Halle a better attempt at an evaluation however, in future you need to use point, evidence, explain in order to give you a clearer and more concise answer. Make sure you proof read your work before posting it onto your blog.
