AS Prelim task

Sunday 22 November 2009

Codes and Conventions of a horror film.

Their are a number of codes and conventions that appear in a horror film.

Setting - generally a horror film can be set in any location. However there is a theme that runs through the setting, usually they are dark, isolated places where people would not necessarily choose to go/be, as this gives off the scary, "horror" feel of a film. In trailers i have watched examples of settings are: woods, big, old mansions and "normal" civilian houses set at night.

Props - props that are used in a horror film are: weapons, that are used to commit the crimes i.e. knifes, guns, crucifixes. Fake blood is used to show the injuries sustained by the victims and the extent of the crime. Heavy make-up i.e. face paints can be used to hide the identity of the villain an example of this is the Joker in Batman. Masks can also be used to do this.

Colours - The typical colours used in a horror film are red and black. Red is often associated with blood, death and love and black is associated with mystery, darkness, death, all of these are main themes of a horror film. These are used through, clothes of characters (usually the villain is in black or red), the setting usually contains these colours and the props.

Sound -
diegetic = this is always used, examples of this are general speech or stereotypically in a horror film screaming.
non diegetic = this is added post production, it is normally sounds that cant be made naturally during filming and need to be technologically enhanced. i.e. a strong heartbeat
sound effects = sounds that cant be made naturally as they are invented. E.g. a wolf howling
sound bridge = music or a sound that links two scenes together
voice over = generally a narrator speaking over and through the trailer, are very popular in all kinds of trailers, especially used in American made films. A voice over explains the narrative further and adds to the whole ambiance of the trailer.

Camera -
establishing shot = at the beginning of a scene, it sets the scene and if used at the beginning of the trailer shows the equilibrium.
close up = this shows detail of a person, this is very important in a horror film/trailer as it shows the victims face and emotions normally when they are being killed, so this allows an audience to feel close to them. Also used when a villain is found as the close up reveals there identity.
mid-shot = this shows general action and is the main shot used most of the time throughout a trailer
long-shot = this shows setting and surroundings which allows an audience to feel more involved.
POV = would mainly show the victims point of view, as the audience would mostly put themselves in their position, not that of the villain.

Themes and Narrative structure

- death
- murder
- mind games
- torture
- supernatural goings on (ghosts/curses/zombies)

Representations of Characters

Villain - cunning, clever, strange, troubled, twisted, in control, ecentric, crazy and holds on human compassion or remorse. In a trailer of 'Batman' that I analysed the villain was the majority of these characteristics and was easily recognisable because of this.
Victim - helpless, stereotypically an attractive female, attracts danger, weak and scared

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