AS Prelim task

Sunday 1 November 2009

Skin Deep

My adaptation.
i chose to adapt my story skin deep to donkey skin as they include the theme of love and confusion.

Amy had never really fit in with her family from a young age she was always singled out at school and at home all Amy really wanted was to be loved. As years went by Amy started secondary school and was pressured by her peers to drink, smoke and do thing which wasn’t sensible and also suffered with anorexia. At the age of 15 Amy met a handsome young man whose name was Sam and they instantly fell in love, Amy wasn’t very used to being cared for and became dependent on Sam. At the age 16 Amy fell pregnant with Sam’s baby which left Amy with mixed emotions on how she going to tell Sam. As days went by, months went by and as time went by Amy found it harder to tell Sam, so she ran away and went back to her old ways of smoking, drinking and now also dealing with drug. 6 months later Sam was distraught and full of anger and confusion decided to search for Amy his one and only true love. 1 month after Amy was seen by a lake sitting on a bench where Sam approach her and set his eyes on her pregnant child numerous questions entered Sam’s head, Sam burst into tears and ran away. And now Amy was left thinking that she has to bring up a child as a single parent, she was afraid but most of all frustrated and wanted to hurt Sam. 2 months went by and the baby was born it was a girl, she was spitting image of Sam. Amy was still dealing with the fact of being a single parent and wanted revenge so she wrote a letter to Sam informing him that the baby had been born and that she was called Sarah. The letter also included an invitation to the celebration of Sarah’s birth, what he didn’t know was that it was an invitation to his death. Amy stabbed Sam and left him for dead Sam managed to reach for a phone and dialled 999 but died hours later in his hospital bed. Due to Amy’s childhood she was never told what was right from wrong and paid for her actions in the future. Amy was jailed for life and was sentenced with man slaughter, as for her baby Sarah was put into a foster home and eventually lived with her foster family who showed Sarah the love her mother Amy never had.

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