AS Prelim task

Monday 4 January 2010

part 3

3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
Our film is a low budget it’s unlikely to achieve a place for viewings in large chain cinemas. It is not really blockbuster material due to our equipment not being up to block buster standards. It is therefore likely to be distributed on a much smaller scale. It would struggle because the audiences will not familiar with our film because of the financial side of distribution.
A distribution company that may distribute our film would be this is because they specialise in horror and thriller films for distripution and as “deadly sins is classified as a horror/thiller i identified that our film would benefit from best-horror-movies as they are extremely intrested in distributing horror/thiller films. Also shown on there website a wide range of independent film distributors that also share the same theme horror/thiller. We are a quote “We are a crew of guys and girls that LOVE horror movies, LOVE to talk about them, and have a way (through this site) to share our passion and enthusiasm for the genre with the world!” this is a great way of distributing “deadly sin” due to targeting our target audience because anyone who visits this website obviously shares the same desire to watch horror/thiller films.

Another distribution company that may distribute our film would be They specifie in thiller films this also benefits our genre as we are meeting our primary viewer wants and needs coffeefilms quote “Well into our second decade we're currently developing and producing a slate of exciting feature length projects including The Death and Resurrection Show on the influential post-punk/industrial band Killing Joke, Lucid a psychological drama/thriller” Their aim of this approach is to trigger change and get people to take action. And there best way to do this, is by making the film available at cinemas and venues around the country.
Distribution is the final stage and plays an important role since the introduction of DV technology; the means of production have become more democratized. Filmmakers can shoot and edit a film, create and edit the sound and music, and mix the final cut on a home computer. Most independent filmmakers rely on film festivals and thanks toindependent film distributors which allows their films noticed and sold for distribution. Although there is little profitability in this, a filmmaker can still gain exposure via the web.
Also another film distributor is film specific they provide distribution school for beginner’s a course in independent film .they are one of 50 best websites for movie makers. Film Specific focus exclusively on educating filmmakers and content producers about the complex and often misunderstood world of independent film and program distribution and gives them the tools and resources they need to compete effectively in a tough marketplace. They break down the barriers by connecting filmmakers directly with distributors for their films through their exclusive Audio Seminar series with actual independent film distributors and international sales agents, buyers lists, sales agency and distributors databases, case studies, our article and interview series.

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