AS Prelim task

Monday 11 January 2010

part 5

5. How did you attract/address your audience?
Our group discussed and decide whether our main theme should just classify as horror or combine two themes and make our film a horror and thriller, after researching teen horrors and teen thrillers this worked well therefore due to the success of our researched film challenged and changed some convention as the chosen themes work well with our target audience therefore will become successful. We also wanted to keep the film as realistic as possible as this would create tension and have a big impact on the audience, this is seen when Bianca is walking towards the toilet we show various shot like a over the shoulder medium close-up shot this creates tension because it gives the audience a sense that someone is watching, this is because normally when someone is walking you would view a point of view shot this makes the audience feel safe and secure because the audience is in the world of the film which is in contrast with the over the shoulder shot because usually the camera is not with the character but is show a different profile instead of showing the front profile you see the back this makes the audience feel lost and confused to what is going on and also leaves them wanting to know the unknown.

The first character we see is the geek girl as the camera pans across showing her sitting down minding her own business doing her work she also looks distressed due to the unfamiliar environment as a geek not being used to detention. Next the camera continues to pan and we use a slow zoom into the shot of the basket ball player rolling his basket ball back and forth while reading the news paper his purpose was to waste time and keep himself occupied by not having to mix with the other social groups.
As the camera continues to pan the camera slowly zooms out and goes into the frame of the Goth and the class clown, this is where we really do see a sense of character as the class clown continuously pokes the Goth in the arm for his own amusement, as the Goth struggles to fight of the class clown and tries to block him out. Following on the camera cuts away to a shot of a table with a piece of paper placed in the centre as the camera pans up slowly you notice drops of blood landing on the paper, this is effective because this makes the audience panic and makes them want to watch more and also keeps them hooked.
As we continue to pan up Bianca appears within the frame where we see her reaching towards her bag and grabs a tissue as we see within the next three seconds her holding the tissue on her nose while by tilting her head back this suggest that the blood from the previous shot was due to her having a nose bleed this is significant because blood represents the theme of horror and also thriller this address our audience because our primary audience already have an idea that a death is going to occur very soon.
As she tilts her head back we see a long shot of her standing up and walking towards the door where we see a close up of Bianca hand pressing on the wall and leaves a finger prints of blood and also a wide shot this is because we see the whole class with more than one thing happening. As she opens the door we see a long shot of the for and then her opening the door then followed by a medium shot of her holding the tissue on her nose and tilting her head back, then a long shot of her full body from behind and then a medium shot of her feet and then a long shot of her turning into the toilet these sequence of shots show a variety of camera shot which work well together.
We then see the girl walking in to the toilet and washing her face. She bends down and washes her face, she then looks in to the mirror at herself, then she bends down again, and this time the audience see a black figure behind her, when the figure appears there is a sudden loud music in the background, this attracts the target audience because it scares them and they would want to know what is going to happen next. Then the popular girl looks up again and she too sees him then she slowly turns around and that it when the credits come up and we see the name on the film. This attracts the target audience because it creates suspense and they would want to know what will happen to the popular girl and therefore they will want to see the rest of the film.

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