AS Prelim task

Monday 11 January 2010

part 6

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
Throughout the process of constructing this product i have gain a lot of experience within technologies.
Previous lesson we prepared for our main task by the experience of the prelim task and also learning how to set up and use technologies for example camera and sound, this is so that when it came to the actually filming day we knew how to set up the equipment correct and quick, also camera and sound people were given a master class where they could become familiar with anything that they may have forgotten about.
We used:
- A Canon XH A1, we learnt how to operate the camera such as putting the battery and tape into the camera in the right places, and identify the on and off switch and also the zoom button.

-First i started off by taking the tripod out of the tripod bag, then separating the three stands and then unscrew each six points on the tripod and adjust it to should height level.
- Then we had to attach the camera to the tripod, after doing so we adjust the spirit level this is so the camera is straight.

- We used an external microphone; although we did not need any natural sound we still used it just in case we needed it when it came to editing.

Whenever we changed location we had to pack up the equipment and check that everything is in its right place this is to make sure that none of the equipment is damaged, this relates to our filming day where it was raining and we had to go outside to get to our second location by packing up the equipment protected the camera and sound from having any water interference. The equipment was quite hard to transport between the three of us so we got our cast to help us with the weight of the equipment this created a less chance of any equipment being damaged.
As we were shooting on location we realised that the location we had chosen interfered with the sound, but after realised we no longer need the sound equipment due to using music which was non diagetic sound when editing.
After filming for one day and getting all the shots we needed, we had to start editing to assemble the sequence.

- We used Adobe Premier Pro for editing our film
- After cutting out all the bits that were not needed by the razor tool, we had to look the right music that would suit our film this helped by previous research on copy right free music. We had a couple of problems with this because we had to change the music many times because after audience feedback we would realise that those types of music were not right for our theme, after many tries the majority of our audience feedback was good as they liked the music and they thought it went with the film, however there were still some people that did not like the music, but we realised that no matter how many times we tried we could not please everyone.
As we finished everything we watched our sequence which included the copy write music, camera shots and titles altogether worked well and we were very pleased with our final product.
The experience as a whole i now feel confident with using camera and sound equipment, as this was my first time i weren’t familiar with all the technologies and now proud to say that i can identify and set up the equipment without needing any help.

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